The Ultrasonic Industry Association (UIA) is a unique association that brings together manufacturers of ultrasonic equipment, users of ultrasonic equipment, academicians and researchers involved in ultrasonics. UIA has perfectly managed to blend academic and industrial world interests to boost a wonderful discipline. UIA Symposia are places where one can meet professionals who practice various non-traditional applications for power ultrasonics. Dukane has been supporting UIA from its early days. Leo Klinstein, VP of Engineering and R&D, has represented Dukane on UIA’s Board since 2005. Annual Symposiums are one of the many ways UIA offers companies access to key influencers in the international ultrasonic community. The 46th Annual UIA Symposium will be held in Dresden, Germany from April 24th-26th of 2017. This event will offer a global focus on the latest advances in ultrasonics in Europe, US and beyond. Leo Klinstein from Dukane, USA and Thomas Daue from Smart Material Corporation /Smart Material GmbH, Germany chair the Symposium. The Monday Medical session chairs are Jay Sheehan, Integra Life Sciences, US and Klaus Van Jenderka, Physik, Sensorik und Ultraschalltechnik, Germany. The Tuesday Workshop chair is Dominick DeAngelis, Kulicke & Soffa Industries, Inc., US. Poster session chair is Margaret Lucas, University of Glasgow. The Wednesday Industrial session chairs are Leo Klinstein, and Rasmus Lou-Moeller, Meggitt, Denmark.
Presenting Dynamic Hold Capability of Servo-Driven Ultrasonic Welding

Leo Klinstein, will present a recent study conducted by him and his team to utilize the dynamic hold capability of servo-driven ultrasonic welders during the cooling phase of the ultrasonic welding process. Ultrasonic welding of thermoplastic is widely used by many industries to fuse together two parts in a short time without introducing additional consumables such as fasteners, adhesives, or solvents. Recent development of servo-driven ultrasonic welders, as opposed to pneumatically driven welding machines, introduces unique levels of control throughout the welding cycle. This study focuses on the final phase of the welding process, i.e., the hold cycle, and the benefits that the servo-driven ultrasonic welders can provide to this final phase by controlling both hold distance and the velocity at which this final phase is accomplished.
The ultrasonic welding cycle is divided into four separate phases; contact, heating, melting of the joint detail and cooling or hold phase. Hold phase is critically important for the joint quality. During this phase, the weld is actually formed and intermolecular bonds and the final microstructure responsible for the joint strength are established.
Leo’s presentation will examine the effects of the hold phase settings on a weld’s quality with the aim to alleviate the lack of scientifically based recommendations in setting the parameters of both hold distance and velocity during this phase. It will compare and contrast the test results of not only several hold distances but also the velocities used to achieve them. Dukane’s servo ultrasonic welding equipment with patented Melt-Match® technology will be demonstrated at the event. Bob Aldaz, Zdenek Vondra and Veronica Pekarska from Dukane will also attend the symposium.
Symposium Exhibitor and Sponsor Information
There are four sponsorship packages available, each with different levels of access to exposure in the Vibrations newsletter, UIA website and more. Here is the complete information about the UIA Sponsorship Opportunities. Once you have decided your level of participation, complete the registration form for Exhibits and Sponsors.