Precision and Reliability in a compact size
Rugged Construction using the highest quality components provides superior performance, precision, and reliability. Compact, Single-Rail Linear Ball Slide Assembly System offers accurate positioning, stable movement, and friction-free travel.
Accuracy, Efficiency and Repeatability
Achieve consistent weld process and shorter cycle time with Amplitude Line and Load Regulation. Load Regulation automatically provides constant ultrasound amplitude regardless of the power draw. Ultrasonic output amplitude level is held within +/-1 %, to provide weld process consistency and shorter weld cycle times.
Consistent Weld Results by applying the most suited Welding Mode
Weld by Distance Mode controls the melt collapse distance to ensure that the same volume of material melts on each part so that the finished joint strength is consistent. Weld by Position controls the finished part height to yield uniform assemblies. Weld by Energy Mode delivers a specific amount of energy to the part to enhance process control. Patented Trigger by Power (U.S. Patent 7,475,801) provides more consistent welds by applying a sufficient and repeatable amount of pressure/force to the part before the weld cycle starts.
Reliability and Consistency
Linear Ramp Soft-start algorithm allows the acoustic stack to be brought to operating amplitude smoothly, minimizing start-up surges and abnormal stress to the stack and power supply..