St. Charles, IL (April 3, 2020) – When the phone rang early on Sunday, March 22nd, 2020 for Dukane Sales Engineer, Robert Pilgrim, he answered the call. He had no idea the wheels he would put into motion at Dukane. Dukane was being called on by Esys Automation, a JR Automation company to supply ultrasonic bonding systems to produce masks.
The difference with this project was the aggressive timeline. Esys and JR Automation had to build the assembly line capable of producing 50,000 masks a day, and GM needed the equipment running in less than one week.
That Sunday afternoon the Dukane team came together to discuss the project, the design, and the ability to execute in this short time period. Esys and JR Automation were requesting that two of the first five systems be delivered by Wednesday, March 25th and the remaining be delivered by Monday, March 30th.
Executing on this project became a primary focus of the Dukane team, their tasks were to design and manufacture a bonding system for this application:
- Custom designed tooling
- Modeling of the tooling
- Manufacturing of the tooling
- Testing the tooling
- Virtual 3D Design Review
All of this had to happen in one day, and be shipped the next day. Dukane proudly shipped the first two systems on Tuesday, March 24th and the three remaining systems three days ahead of schedule on Friday, March 27th.
Dukane was honored that Esys and JR Automation had the confidence in the team to answer the call. Dukane will continue to deliver systems to Esys and JR Automation, every two days, to meet their demand requirements. Dukane is proud to do our part to support the health care heroes and combat this pandemic, alongside Esys Automation, JR Automation, and General Motors. Dukane believes that “It’s the connection that counts”, this connection we know will make an impact both big and small.